Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spackling - my new favorite hobby

I don't know what my problem is.  I had it in my head that spackling is only for the pros.  That I should hire a handyman to do these tiny little jobs.  I was wrong big time.  Spackling is so easy!   In fact, I love spacking - it's my new favorite hobby :-)  Part of the reason I thought spacking was hard is because we have several of these ugly little spots around the house (this one from the kids' bathroom).

Spackle Blemish

I don't mean to knock Glenn's efforts since he definitely gave it the old college try.  Part of the reason his spackle jobs are a little homely I think, is because spackling requires patience and we're usually running around with a million things to do and not enough time in the day.  Just for fun, here's a close up of the spot in black and white - it's looks very arty?

Ugly Spot

Since we wanted to paint the kids' bathroom, I needed to take care of this blemish first.  I got some fresh spackle at Lowe's and a new sanding sponge.  


I wasn't paying much attention when I bought the spackle, so when I opened the jar up, I was surprised with pepto bismol pink colored putty.  It dries white so you know when your patch work is ready for sanding and painting - very clever!


Here's spackle trick from Glenn:  a credit card (or in my case an old unloaded gift card) works just as well as a putty knife for applying spackle (they're also easier to find around the house :-).


Apply spackle, dry, sand and you're ready to paint.


Glenn and I have a new deal now:  I take care of the spackling and he vacuums all the dust!  That's a great deal for us since I hate to clean up and Glenn is Felix from the odd couple.  Come to think of it I'm a little like Oscar.  We make a great team :-)

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